The company Altyntech represents at the market of Kazakhstan LED lamps of the Svet NN trademark..
The company Altyntech specializes in wholesale deliveries the LED equipment under projects on transition on technology of LED lighting, and also carries out complex deliveries of LED lamps on again under construction objects.
1 Consultation and selection of options - lighting calculation according to SNIP and sanitary standards for workplace illumination.
2 Preliminary cost calculation - preparation of commercial for complex delivery of equipment.
3 Supply of equipment - we work all over Kazakhstan
4 Installation - if necessary, we can mount our own teams of installers.
5 Warranty service - the company Altynteh has warranty obligations throughout Kazakhstan.
6 Post warranty service - the supply of components to the fixtures (power supplies, enclosures, LED strips).
Low power consumtion
Improved lighting quality
Longer service life
Ecological safety
Minimization of operational costs
High mechanical durability
High color rendering
Often producers of light-emitting diode lamps save on power supply unit elements for the purpose of decrease in product cost. As a result on a LED crystal moves badly stabilized tension.
When using low-quality power supply units light-emitting diodes of the lamp there are pulsations light stream, value of coefficient of a pulsation which are reached by 30% and more that negatively influences on sight of the person and and perception by him moving mechanisms.
It is no secret that LED lamps are the most expensive at the first acquisition, however their operational characteristics allow them to be most economically favorable in the short term. Components of light-emitting diode lamps can work without replacement up to 10 years, and at the expense of low energy consumption they allow to save up to 70% of percent costs of illumination of offices and production.